Turnov to Mnichovo Hradiště on the ‘Golden Trail’ – a two day 46km trip

  • A two day tour, starting in Turnov and finishing in Mnichovo Hradiště, following the main section of the Český ráj ‘golden trail’ (Zlatá stezka Českého ráje), with an overnight stop at Kost (e.g. at the Hotel Podkost) or for the extended tour – see below – at Sobotka (eg at the hotel Post)
  • The route passes the many of famous of the classic Český ráj viewpoints and castles, including Valdštejn, Hrubá Skála, Trosky, Kost, Drábské světničky and Valečov.
  • The walk can be done in either direction, but the recommended option, starting in Turnov, means that Day 1 (25km) is the slightly longer of the two days
  • This trip assumes walkers will use train transportation to/from Turnov and Mnichovo Hradiště. A slightly shorter version of the walk, starting and finishing at two convenient car parks is also described below. This option theoretically means the walk might be attempted in a single day by very fit and fast walkers
  • Although the trail does not have major difficulties, there are some steeper sections, and as with most Český ráj tours, the paths can be slippery during and after heavy rain. Starting in Turnov, there is a total of 911m height gained and 942m height descended on the tour
  • The trip can be extended with a very interesting loop into the historic town of Sobotka (where the overnight stop would be). This extends Day 1 by 2km (for a total of 27km) and Day 2 by 6km (also for a total of 27km). This extension enables a visit to the 17th century hunting lodge of Humprecht, the old town of Sobotka, the heritage village of Vesec and the fascinating Plakánek valley on Day 2. Both routes are shown on map below

“The Zlatá stezka (Golden trail) is the most famous marked trail in Český ráj. It traverses the whole region, and captures most (but not all) of the best sites. The whole trail generally takes 4 to 6 days to complete, but there are sections of path on some days which are less interesting. This 2 day option is the core of the Gold trail walk, covering the most famous sites in Český ráj. The option to extend the tour with the loop into Sobotka is highly recommended, if you are happy with two long walking days”

The route as described below and shown on the map starts at Turnov main train station and finishes at Mnichovo Hradiště train station. For those able to arrange car transport, an alternative to using the trains would be to start the walk at the Pelešany car park (just below Valdštejn) and finish the walk at the Pod Valečovem car park (next to Valečov castle). This reduces the walk length by 8km, and in theory means the (total 38km) trip could be viable in a single day for very fit and fast walkers (although there would be little or no time available for stopping at the attractions en route).

Directions (for the standard Golden trail route – see below for the Sobotka loop extended version)

  • Start the walk from Turnov main train station (direct trains from Prague)
  • Take the YELLOW trail (direction Turnov – U Mostu) for 700m. Just after passing under the railway bridge, turn right onto the RED trail (this is the Zlatá stezka Českého ráje). This RED trail is followed for the remainder of the walk, all the way to Mnichovo Hradiště
  • The initial section of the trail follows is along road sections, until reaching the signpost of Pod Hlavaticí (3km from Turnov train station).
  • From Pod Hlavaticí follow the trail up the hill for 1.5km past the Hlavatice viewpoint and on to reach the castle of Valdštejn. Refreshments may be available at Hospůdka U Hradu, next to the castle.
  • Note: if starting the walk at the Pelešany car park take the GREEN trail from the car park up the hill and reach Valdštejn after 900m
  • From Valdštejn continue on the RED trail past the famous viewpoints of na Kapelu and U Lvíčka and reach the castle of Hrubá Skála after 3.4km.
  • At Hrubá Skála it is worth stopping to visit for a few minutes the castle courtyards (open to the public despite this being a private hotel). Off the inner courtyard is the castle restaurant (usually open year round)
  • From Hrubá Skála car park continue on the RED trail in the direction of Trosky, which is reached after 6.8km of attractive and easy trails (partly along the road).
  • Trosky is probably the most iconic of the Český ráj castles, situated on two prominent volcanic basalt outcrops. Various refreshment options should be available at/near the castle.
  • From Trosky, continue on the RED trail. Follow this all the way to Kost (10.4km) taking care to stay always on the RED trail. The route passes the Nebákov and Podsemínský ponds and mills, as well as the village of Libošovice. There is a swimming spot at Nebákov.
  • The last section of the route passes along the side of the Bilý rybník (excellent views towards the impressive gothic castle of Kost) . At Kost there are various refreshment options including Restaurant Kost. One option for accommodation for an overnight stay at Kost is Hotel Podkost
  • END OF DAY 1
  • From Kost, continue on the RED trail through the village of Srbsko to reach the signpost of Hynšta after 6.9km. There is an optional detour (0.3km) to visit the small rock fort/cave of Hynšta.
  • Continue on the RED trail for 1km to reach to car park of Příhrazy. From there the trail climbs up to the small rock fort of Stará Hrada (steep steps) after 1km
  • Continue on 1.4km to reach Krásná vyhlídka viewpoint, where there is an excellent restaurant Na krásné vyhlídce
  • Continue on the RED trail passing through the Studený průchod rock cleft and past the Vyhlídkové místo and Heroldova viewpoints
  • After 1.5km reach the interesting rock castle of Drábské světničky.
  • Continue on for 500m to reach the signpost of Klamorna (optional detour to the small rock fort)
  • From Klamorna, continue on the RED trail for 3.6km to reach the castle of Valečov.
  • Continue past the car park of Pod Valečovem (refreshments available in the kiosk) into the village of Zásadka and then across the fields to reach Mnichovo Hradiště train station (4.1km from Zásadka).
  • With some extra time consider walking into the centre to visit the large baroque chateau of Mnichovo Hradiště (note: it is a 1.3km walk to the chateau from the train station)

Sobotka extension

  • On Day 1, when the trail reaches the village of Libošovice (8.4 km after leaving Trosky) turn off the Golden trail (RED trail) onto the BLUE trail (direction Libošovice train station)
  • At the train station (reached after 500m) change to the YELLOW trail (direction Sobotka)
  • Continue on the YELLOW trail for 2 km to reach the parking for the Humprecht hunting lodge. Cross the road and join the BLUE trail which leads to the lodge
  • After visiting the lodge continue on the BLUE trail for 300m, until meeting the GREEN trail. Turn left and follow the GREEN trail through the historic district of Sobotka to reach the town square (where the hotel Post is located)
  • On Day 2, leave the main square following the YELLOW trail along the road. This leads to the parking next to Humprecht lodge. At the parking continue straight along the road – do not follow any of the marked trails (these take longer to reach the same point without being in particularly interesting terrain)
  • After 1.2km, the BLUE hiking trail joins the road. Continue straight along the road (also on the BLUE trail) for a further 300m. On the left , just after the cross, take the turning into the attractive heritage village of Vesec
  • From Vesec continue on the BLUE trail through the start of the Plakánek valley for 2.3 km to reach the signpost of Plakánek – údolí. Here turn right onto the YELLOW trail and follow this for 1.7 km to reach the castle of Kost . Follow the Day 2 instructions as above form Kost