An 8 km circular walk around Mužský and Drábské světničky

  • A relatively short but varied circular walk with impressive views in the Příhrazské skály, taking in the rock castle ruins of Drábské světničky and Klamorna, together with the village and view point of Mužský (463m), the highest point in the region.
  • The walk can be shortened by stopping at Mužský and retracing the outbound path back to the car park. This creates an attractive 5 km to 6 km ‘there and back’ walk .
  • The paths are relatively easy, although the paths up to Drábské světničky and Mužský viewpoint are quite steep. The trail can be slippery after heavy rain.
  • Total distance of the full walk is 8.7km, including the optional diversions to Klamorna and Mužský viewpoint, with a total height gained/lost of 331m
  • Note: this is the first loop of the longer 14 km ‘double loop’ walk. The second loop on the longer walk has more challenging/steeper sections
  • Refreshments are available at the excellent Na Krásné vyhlídce restaurant, located just 2km from the start of the walk.

“From the D10 highway the Příhrazské rocks hardly seem that impressive, but on the walk up to the cliffs from Dneboh, your perspective changes – these are majestic rocks, and this walk provides a chance to explore the western section from top to bottom”


  • Start and finish at the paid car park of Dneboh-Kavčina, easily reached from the D10 highway (payment in the kiosk)
  • Take the BLUE trail from the car park up through the forest (note: steep steps) to reach after 500m the castle ruins of Drábské světničky (usually open from April to October)
  • Continue eastwards on the RED-BLUE trail (direction Studený průchod). After 75m follow the RED trail which takes the cliff edge ( for panoramic views)
  • Rejoin the RED-BLUE trail and follow this through the rock cleft of Studený průchod, to reach the view point of Krásna vyhlídka (1.5km from Drábské světničky)
  • Option to stop for refreshments at the restaurant Na Krásné vyhlídce
  • From Krásna vyhlídka take the GREEN trail (direction Mužský) and after 700m reach the signpost of Pod Mužským. Here take the steep (and optional) 300m path to the Mužský viewpoint and then return back the signpost
  • Note: At this point walkers prefering a shorter version of this walk can retrace their steps to Krásna vyhlídka and there take the BLUE trail back to Drábské světničky and then down to the Dneboh car park
  • For those opting for the full version, continue down the road on the GREEN trail, diverting after 1km into the village of Mužský to see the classic folk cottages
  • Continue for a further 1.2km on the GREEN trail to reach the Skalka signpost
  • Here take the RED trail (direction Klamorna)
  • After 2km there is an (optional) diversion path to see the small rock castle of Klamorna. Return back to the RED trail after visiting Klamorna.
  • Continue along the RED trail for 700m to reach the ruins of Drábské světničky again.
  • Take the BLUE trail back to the car park of Dneboh-Kavčina