A 10km circular tour of the Klokočské skály and Rotštejn castle

  • This is a classic Český ráj ‘rock city’ walk, starting just outside Turnov, circling the whole of the attractive Klokočské skály area, including a visit to the medieval rock castle of Rotštejn and the archeologically significant Postojna cave
  • The walk is 9.8 km in length, with 330 m of height gained and lost
  • The paths are mostly wide forest tracks or quiet roads, but there is one section getting to/from Rotštejn that involves steeper steps
  • Note that the cliff edge has no barriers and care should be taken not to approach too closely, especially with children
  • Refreshments should be available on the road approach to Rotštejn

“The Klokočské skály is a superb rock area, featuring an extensive plateau, cliff edge views towards Kozákov volcanic hill, and amazing shaped rocks. The section of yellowed marked trail from Klokočské průchody to Rotštejn castle is one of my very favourite streches in the region – it will certainly test the knees!


  • Start and finish at the small car park in the village of Záholice (4km from the centre of Turnov). If this small parking area is full, an alternative is the parking area below Rotštejn castle, but this may also be full at peak times
  • From the car park, take the RED trail (direction Klokočské průchody), entering the forest after 200m of road section
  • After 700m there is a diversion to the Zdenčina skála viewpoint (RED triangle markings), which is optional but recommended for its views over the Jizera valley.
  • After visiting the viewpoint return back to the main RED trail, and continue for 1.8 km along the cliff edge path with its famous views of the Klokočské rocks, to reach the Klokočské průchody signpost
  • Continue on the RED trail descending the steps through the famous rock cleft. After 300m, at the small roadside chapel, leave the RED trail and continue along the road for 750m through the village of Klokočí.
  • At the small car park below Rotštejn castle (refreshments may be available here) pick up the YELLOW trail (direction Klokočské průchody), stopping off at the medieval castle ruins if desired
  • Continue on the YELLOW trail – the new path starts just before the castle – then continue up through the rocks on this trail, which leads back to the Klokočské průchody after 1.2 km
  • From Klokočské průchody take the YELLOW trail (direction Postojna).
  • After 700m reach the large cave of Postojna famous for its archaeological findings.
  • From Postojna continue on the YELLOW trail for 2.4km through the village of Bukovina
  • Reach a fork in the road where the YELLOW trail goes left and the GREEN marked cycle trail goes right. Take the GREEN cycle trail.
  • After 260m at the Bukovina signpost turn right along the road following the BLUE cycle trail markings back to the car park at Záholice